Driver-less cars in the UK?


Hey so I was browsing around the web when I saw these driverless cars that were coming to the UK. It seems pretty cool serving as a taxi pod. They said each pod can carry up to two people even though it’s so small I can barely see two people getting in it. But the concept video demonstrates how you can go online in the vehicle and see where your going on some sort of GPS navigation. You book the pod with your smartphone. Pods cost 2 Euros which is $3.20. Test pods will come to the UK in 2015 and will be in operation 2 years later. To learn more click on the link below.

Which T.V. is better 4k or OLED televisions?


This video just shows about the OLED T.V. LG has made but what about other companies like Samsung and Sony. What do they have to offer for OLED televisions. I mean I believe the OLED is more better then a 4k television because the OLED gives of rich and vibrant colors. I mean I never saw the 4k or OLED television in real life but what I can say is I saw the Samsung galaxy phones and they have the OLED in them. So imagine the screen of a Galaxy S4 or S3 on a T.V. just more brighter and bigger. But what do you think which T.V. is going to be better 4k or OLED.

Future Car Nissan Pivo, With Inbuilt Robot?


This is a pretty cool futuristic car made by Nissan. It is called Pivo and it has a built in robot. The robot has two eyes so it tracks the drivers face to tell if the driver is sleepy and uses GPS to locate a nearby coffee shop for you. It can also use GPS to help you locate places and the car has cameras on the outside and one large door.

Do you remember the Robosapiens?


Remember those cool robot toys made by WowWee in 2006. I mean I never owned one but always wanted to. I mean I definitely remember the commercials. The robot that I always wanted from WowWee was the Robosapien V2. Today WowWee stopped making basically all of the Robosapiens and if you try to buy a use one about anywhere from $600- 800$ on Ebay.

New Honda Robot ASIMO 2012 – All features and behaviors


Remember that cool robot that Honda made, Well now ASIMO can do more things these days like hopping on one foot, running, and even pouring out juice into a cup. Just check out the video to see what I mean, oh and I don’t think this is in the video but Honda fixed the problem with ASIMO walking up the stairs so it can do that too now.

Paint Retouching Pens


It is a cool syringe paint pent pen. Where if you scratch the paint off a wall you can just repaint over it. Or if you accidentally touch a drying fresh coat of paint and it rubs off. All you do is put the paint into the pen and retouch the little mess ups to your wall. To learn more or buy it click on the link below.


Use hot or cold drinks to charge your phone


Epiphany onE Puck is a device where you can place any hot or cold beverage on it and fully charge your cell phone battery. You just plug the USB into your iPhone or Android, then put your beverage on the device then the device uses the heat or cold. By turning an engine it generates electricity and fully charges your device. Click on the source link below to check it out
